West pulls the same stunt every time, and people fall for it every time. He says or does something to capture the media cycle right before he releases an album, launches a clothing line, buys a media platform. Similar to Trump and Musk, he doesn't care about his reputation...it's media manipulation and dollars. His PR folks will throw around questions about his 'mental health', but West's actions are quite deliberate. I don't understand why the public can't see through West, Musk, Trump. They are all so predictable.

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Musk and West are certainly both very aware of — and expert in — the current attention economy. We'll see what happens if they manage to change the landscape ...

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Parler is a fringe platform, though after the midterms, one that is likely to grow. I'm not sure what Musk's plans are. Is he deliberately trying to crater the company by declaring he will immediately lay off the majority of employees? Is he trying to force Twitter to back off the deal? Whatever Musk says is a deflection from his actual plans.

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