Just goes to show, even the devil is capable of doing good, if it's absolutely necessary. Judging by other California female liberals of her generation, I'd say kicking her out was the right decision too.

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“Having Nancy or [House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer] come into that is like having mom or dad show up at your slumber party,” the staffer said. “It crimps your vibe a bit.”

I want this staffer to explain all congressional drama to me

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Pelosi's painted-in eyebrows are really grotesque as is her habit of constantly sucking on her teeth. She looks old as dirt. The woman is a geriatric and all geriatrics need to be forcibly kicked out of government. They are ruining us!

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“Crimps their vibe”

I despise my generation.

Why are they incapable of speaking like they have a shred of formal education and some actual solemnity?

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Likening the "progressive" caucuses' meeting to a "slumber party" is right on the mark, as they are nothing but an ignorant bunch of mentally unstable juveniles.

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these so called " progressives " will learn their true worth in a year when the GOP takes the majority back in the house

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“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”

― Winston S. Churchill

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The democrat agenda should be renamed “Biden Bankrupting Better”.

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Nan PooPoo created a monster.

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The Dems are screwing up a one man parade in a ghost town

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Afghanistan people have to live with the Taliban

American people have to live with demoKKKrats.

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complete and total nothingburger here. the d'rats always (at some point) come together to further their agenda of hate america first again. just as mcauliffe will (eventually prevail) in va.

in the end they'll do what they feel is worst for the country regardless of all this three card monte designed to conflate the truth with the lie to advance the ball of deceit and nefarious chicanery.

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The Snozzberries taste like Snozzberries

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The communists are eating their own.

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Drew is kinda pissed lol

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