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I agree with everything you believe in and this system definitely need reform. On a personal level I would like to talk to you about my son who is presently in jail at PG jail and I think his story could further enhance you mission. It’s urgent you talk to me. My name is June Everett and my telephone number is 240 354 5372. Email Junewhorms56@icloud.com. My son’s name is Julian Everett his case need to be seriously investigated and how it’s being handled with the State charges and the Feds. All I can say is I need help and I think you can help with everything. As a layman I can see so my flaws in the way this case was handled from the search warrant, no knock entrance, many allegations that were already dismissed when he was a teen and many accusations added to charges that were not true. As a successful Business owner “BLACK” seems he was targeted by a malicious anonymous letter and a combined collaboration by ex-girlfriends. I need someone to fight with me to bring all these unjustice tactics that are being displayed by the Judicial system to bring any BLACK MAN DOWN” at any cost. If you would have me would like to be a part of you fight in bringing to light the obvious in justices that everyone turn they head away and pretend it does not exist. I would like you to look at the Lawyers who suppose to represent these defendants. Seems to me they just work more to please the prosecutors than the people they should be representing. “It’s like a good boy system”. “You scratch my back and I”ll scratch your next time”. In other words you give up this one and I would allow the one you want to get off will be freed. For ex a white guy 2 weeks was allowed to walk after committing 2 counts of manslaughter. My son is in jail for over 2 1/2 years and they keep treating that even if he beat the state charges the Feds will there to pick him up. Earlier this year 3 FBI agents came to my door and threaten to lock me up. I am a harmless 65 years mother. What is wrong with these people why are they so possess with me and my son and who is really behind it, could it be be of their peers. Seems like even the lawyers hand has been ties and it seems like lawyers,prosecutors, judges are all in a clique and pick and choose who they think should go free. Thank you but this is not a Judicial System but another form of SLAVERY. GOD BLESS YOU

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